Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Indians Are Coming! The Indians Are Coming!

A participant at the TV "Live Forum" asked PM Lee Hsien Loong a simple question, if foreigners are integrating well into Singapore society. In typical evasive mode, Lee replied that the PAP regime is "controlling" the rate of influx of foreigners and "monitoring" how well they are integrating into local society. The fellow never gives a "yes" or "no" answer.

The kopitiam crowd knows it, Minister Mentor confirms it, the enclaves are already in place. The new arrivals are thumbing their noses at government initiatives to spread them out. MM minced no words: if they congregate, they buy second hand homes, resale homes and stick together, that will be a problem. Having said that, he concedes defeat, "But when the Indian immigrants buy condos in the East Coast, we can't stop them. So there will be a disproportionate number of North Indians among dwellers in the East Coast." Stories abound of Indian middle managers owning 2 or 3 units, hoping to flip them for a quick profit. So what happens if the property market takes a dive? "We'll just go back to India!" said one IT "specialist". The government which enforces integration with a heavy hand via the quota system in the HDB heartlands are giving up without a fight when it comes to the "high class" Indians.

The lesser mortals of local Indians speaking Tamil will have to contend with Little India, while uppity foreign Indian types will be conversing in Hindi at the up-market side of town. And never the twain shall meet. So much for social integration. If you still have doubts, listen to what MM said: "The Indians come from the north and even those from Tamil Nadu consider themselves superior to the Singaporean Indians. So again there's no mix."

And then there's this serious threat to social cohesion when super rich foreigners, the crowd the government is most eager to import, indulge in ostentatious displays of wealth. The water front homes at Sentosa Cove, the F1s races, all these were never meant for the homegrown Singaporeans struggling to cope with HDB loan payments. Still, MM wants to rein them in, he even has bosom pal Ong Beng Seng "trying hard to get more of the jetsetters to attend them F1".

How PM Lee can claim Singaporeans understand the "rational argument" for foreigners but not the "emotional buy-in" is beyond our comprehension. Perhaps he should provide real data how much tangible growth, for Singaporeans, was generated by these aliens - and we don't mean the spike in property prices.


  1. One line stood up when the Indian foreign talent said "...We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the locals." My first thot - really? It was very quick for him to make such presumption. Not sure how our local boys feel but they probably wonder "Did you serve your NS first & foremost before claiming STS with us?" a very sensitive topic these days. Anyhoo they won't just be congregating homes. They're doing so at workplace too.

    1. What if the guy local Indian then re aunty judge him as India.

    2. *the
      Cause I have heard this kinda stuff before.

  2. Robert Muthusami4/14/2011 12:35 AM

    The vulgar and crass piece of classicism of this ruling party sometimes is just beyond words. They will not allow a local, Singaporean born NS serviceman, Tamil to marry an Msian girl because she was a work permit holder but they will suck up to the rich overseas indians who have not done a single day of national service - giving them citizenships and PR status without batting an eyelid.

    Middle class and lower middle class Sporeans who have served a 2 year NS are really stupid if they cant see that they are victims of a scam. They can stop this discrimination if they vote for the alternative parties in this GE.

  3. wat to do? when u come from india with a land of caste system, then come to a land of opportunities like SG who practice elitism more than meritocracy, and start calling you foreign talent with rolled out carpet, even your sudra ego will like it very much, and immediately want to multiple jump the queue. More will come..including the chinese.

  4. If a poll were to be done to find out which category of foreigners that true blue S'poreans want to kick out. The results shd be pretty obvious. The Indians stick to their enclave, look down on all other races including local Indians (a crime in my view), very thick skinned about their new found entitlement. it is no wonder that they are victims of race violence (Australia). If I am not wrong, India allows dual citizenship, that is why we have this mass exodus which will go the opposite direction if the going gets tough.

    1. You are absolutely right, these NRI just use Singapore until they takeover or move back to India, they are bloody rude to local. Try to get in lift other day one each side I have to in with two big bag. They talk Indian and say bag must be too heavy. What this Sikh want total lift to him and wife only ?

    2. You are absolutely right, Indians, particularly North Indians and Sikhs are the most racist people on Earth, they think they are superior and look down upon everybody. They are also criminal minded people most of them earn money through criminal activities. I have never seen Tamils or Bengalis who had live in Singapore for centuries behave this badly. North Indians and Sikhs are giving bad name to India all over the world.

  5. Not only the PAP bring in super rich Indian to discriminate us, they also bring in Indian into their party thinking/hoping that he can control the rich Indian. Whether or not PAP can control the Indian in the party is a big question!!!

  6. I love the picture! Nobody is smiling, not even the PAP running dogs!

    I totally agree with the writer. PAP sucks up to the rich and tramples on the poor. Btw, the "poor" means the middle and low income Singaporeans.

    Vote for PAP if you are in the top 10% of the income group. If you are not, you have to vote for the opposition to CHECK this PAP Monster of Money-Talks-Only.

  7. I just hope folks don't hate the immigrants - it's not their fault, they're simply doing what we all aspire to do ... seek out and grab opportunities that are best for ourselves.

    Take issue with the politicians and policies they're producing.

    1. Yes but be respectful of your host country and no try change it. Marine Parade is not suburb of Mumbai !

  8. East Coast especially the Meyer, Tanjong Rhu and Amber area is really like Little India #2. An some condos like Mandarin Gardens in Siglap area is worse. Many old apartments are torned down and new ones are so expensive, only foreign Indian can afford. The area no longer feels like Singapore.


    The clip will give you a glimpse into the forgotten people who are at the bottom scape of the barrel. There're so many of them, our SG gahment import them into our land as cheap workers. While we can justify to ourselves that we are doing them a favor by helping this lot, what I failed to understand is why don't they get the Indian PMET lot to educate and assist these people with volunteering their time, success & money to give back? Instead they try to act like one and want to lord over us. I think Singaporeans had it coming for them sometimes. Is call Karma. When you can't treat your maid decently like a human being who needs sundays off and work them like slave, eventually it comes back to you. Is this the kind of society we want to help perpetuate? The way singaporean chinese react to their chinese counterpart here is much the same as singaporean indians react to their indian counterpart. Each group think they are more superior or elitist than each other. Classic stupidity. And it doesn't help that PAP has a double standard when it comes to policy enforcement. The next 10 years will be worse - and it will all be done in the name of globalisation, while acting as spurs in the hides for "lazy" sinkies. Sad sorry shameful state.

  10. to anon 10:41 i like the idea of getting these new FTs to do some community work. Government can impose not only they go through mandatory integration program but also do 1 yr of local community work of their choice. That way they learn like everybody else and are contributing to the society.

  11. the caption goes well with picture of Janil Puthu and a potential voter.

    i can't help wondering how the PAP grassroot buggers feel, compelled by the PAP leadership to help Janil(a citizen of just 2 yrs)campaign.

    surely many amongst the PAP grassroots are reservists or ex-reservists themselves, done alot for the party, but end up seeing this Puthu character leapfrog over them to become MP.

    surely their family members, colleagues and close friends have something to say about this too.

    sadly, this is the hard truth for those in PAP grassroots! shere stupidity?

    even from a virtual distance, i can sense the oiliness of Puthu, the opportunist, the forked-tongue. LOL

  12. Hahaha.....

    with so many cynical Singaporeans here,
    where to look for local candidates to
    join them? Got to use imported candidates
    By the way, the newly minted citizens will feel
    more at ease with their own kinds in parliament too and proud of it.
    After all, no matter how one looks at it,
    majority of the locals are definitely
    exasperated with foreigner residents
    Can Singaporeans afford to smile?


  13. Today Singaporeans still find Malaysian FTs acceptable. We've been close and they lived and integrated relatively well. (can't say the same for Janil who skipped NS). With PAP liberal rules on immigration, who's to say that in 10yrs time, there won't be chinese, pinoys or indian Ministers into the cabinet who holds a pp less than few months? There is NO restrictions on MP-applicants need to satisfy say a 5yrs singaporean citizenship at all! Just watch, it will happen. Don't take the carrot bait. Just hop over to the other side and vote for change and stop these incredulous and reckless policies.

  14. Callthebluff4/14/2011 2:05 PM

    In US, one needs to be a natural-born citizen & US resident for at least 7 yrs before eligible to run for the House of Reps. 9 Years for House of Senate, 14 yrs for Presidential office. The framers of the constitution has decided that these formative years was an adequate time span to comprehend these issues.

    Where is SG's regulations or terms on that? They are so lax because PAP cannot find singaporeans who wants to serve on his Team B anymore. They see through PAP for what it is. So now they have to go after the young and innocent foreign talents, whose eyes are all on the big $$ prize for power and fame. LHL wants to keep his uniquely & private-lee elitist club for some more decades until he goes down with it altogether. He always threaten singaporeans with this fear. SG has become his eternal personal pet project. It does NOT belong to Singaporeans anymore.

  15. i take offence to anyone's assumption that hindi speaking north indians are 'high-class'. their snooty ways and loose morals have a worse effect on society than our local second-and-third generation indians who have a better understanding of family and moral values, and who actually love singapore and being singaporean. people listen up: don't equate fair skin (ang-moh, indian or anyone else) with status or respectability.

    funny that there's no mention of all the poorly educated PRCs and even Malaysians that are flooding singapore and obtaining singapore PR 2 seconds after getting off the boat!

  16. Hey! im a Singaporean Indian not from India oh and im DARK. anyway, i find that the north indians in my class call me dumb and stupid and kind of bullies me. I really feel bad but i have no courage to talk back to them. D: Those north indians in my class are from India. ITS REALLY SAD...

    1. Sorry on behalf of the north Indians

    2. I am an Indian from India. What you do my friend is 1. Stand up to the bullies don't take what they say 2. If it goes physical defend yourselves and talk to authorities 3. Keep your parents involved always. 4. Get fit - most bullies are cowards and that should keep them off you.

      You see they probably come from a race of people that has fought everyday for survival physically and otherwise. Their DNA is likely more aggressive. So never back down

    3. Hey do not get bullied by these North Indian buggers, they bully everybody wherever they go. They even bully white Australian kids in school when they go to Australia , I have seen it myself. Just stand up to them. They are cowards from inside, just give them one punch , & show them their place

    4. I am Bengali but most Singaporeans would think I am north Indian on first glance. My parents recently moved here to work as businessmen from the UK whilst I am still in University, and honestly at first I liked it but then I was shocked by the racial segregation this place has. Especially socio-economic segregation as-well. It's left me a little uncomfortable with the thought of coming back to work here in my parent's company.

      One thing that really disheartened me was the racial preference of lighter skinned indian people, in the UK where people aren't racist like this. Darker people are still part of me, it makes me feel uncomfortable to see such a blunt division all around me. Interracial marriages are almost always with a north indian person, and north indian people are almost always classified as richer and favoured, and it's unfortunate the northern indians take this to pride. It's disgusting behaviour in my opinion as everyone has equal opportunity regardless of their skin-tone.

      The racism is subtle, but definitely exists. The other day a Chinese bellboy asked where I was from, I said Indian, and he said in Singapore indian refers to tamils. Do you mean from the north, only 7 percent of the total indian population here is northern? Sort of shocked he said that, as if he was implying darker people are to not be associated with? It's evident there is some sort of racial segregation and preference problems in Singapore.

      I am interested as to why there is such a division within a race, and even preferences from outside races? Where did this start from? Why does it occur here? Is there some history behind it? I am a shocked that there is a caste system still present to this day in Singapore between the indians, and even the other cultures are aware of it, and conform to it aswell.

  17. Q: What's the difference between a Singaporean man and his girlfriend?
    A: His girlfriend has a higher sperm count.

  18. Why are there so many generalizations here ? Do you guys really understand the north indian people who come in here. A lot of the hindi speaking immigrants are from very elite univs, have worked very hard to get where they are and are very smart ( yes, the bankers, and the high tech quants , traders and IT product heads ). The 'IT service guys' are well also a part of this crowd and yes, not all of these people are as smart as the smaller elite group. At the end of the day, all of them are here on merit. They fill a void and they survive on their skills and talent. They could do a lot more to integrate into the society but this phenomenon is true for first generation immigrants of any race anywhere in the world. So, stop carrying so much hatred and stop being xenophobic against foreigners(be it any group).

    1. Indian degree mills, low cost than other foreigners. That's all. No Yale, Harvard or Oxford NRIs coming here to work. Just cheap middle class labour. Wise up and shut up. Singapore is changing, and not for the better. Look at the Malaysian policy of bumi first for employment, Indonesia pulls FT Kitas after 6 years to protect citizens. So where is the protection for Singaporeans. Unlike India, degrees cost the local people a bloody fortune, and entrance is 3A grades to Nanyang

    2. With corruption a core u wonder if their so called education and degree is corrupted too in india.

    3. With corruption a core u wonder if their so called education and degree is corrupted too in india.

    4. With corruption a core u wonder if their so called education and degree is corrupted too in india.

    5. Ohh don't you cry about 3A entrance to Nanyang. Do your homework before belittling Indian degrees. The kind of sacrifices and hard work that goes into attaining an Indian degree is something narrow minded people like you cannot even imagine.
      A degree does not ensure competency. If you think the education is corrupted, why do you think companies still hire these Indians, they must be no good?

    6. Degree mills… haha… EVEN A MEDIOCRE COLLEGE IN INDIA RECIEVES MORE APPLICANTS THAN THE POPULATION SINGAPORE! Indian universities have the lowest acceptance rates IN THE WORLD – that’s how competitive it is.

      Btw, when Indians do want to go to a degree mill, they go to UK, Canada or Australia. I’m talking Monash, Warwick and all that trash where anyone can get in for $$. Not so in India unfortunately; it would’ve been far cheaper and more convenient.

      70% of NASA scientists are of Indian origin for a reason.

    7. wow you're a liar; 70% nasa scientist are indians? please get your facts right. slightly more than 30% maybe; that's why people don't trust indians.....

    8. North Indians do not get job through merit, they get their job through bullying and racism. They also enter with fraudulent practices. The Indian Software Engineers are shit. They do not know anything of Computers. They are just blue collar programmers who I will call Computer clerks because it can be done by person even with an IQ of 0. They are just cheap labourers, nothing else.

    9. shut up you fucking bong Singaporean-wannabe....trying to lick local ass to get citizenship and in the end they will talk trash about you.....These local shit will never be good enough as educated foreigners....that's why all these stupid cheater scums from NUS and NTU join OCBC, UOb and DBS only...all foreign banks prefer more talented foreigners

  19. Hey when did the MM say whatever u quoted him saying? Is there an article or a video?

  20. Easy guys, putting all racial abuse aside, think logically! The fundamental problem with Singapore is population. Singapore is not producing enough babies to sustain as a country in near future. The government saw the need for people and inviting people to go to Singapore and settle there and make babies!

    If all Singaporeans make enough babies issue is fixed. You cannot blame Indians or Philippinos or any other foreigner for coming here to work, they are not doing anything illegal, everyone playing by rules.

    If Singaporeans really don't like the government then why they elected the same government recently and why they are electing same governemt since many years. Are you forced to vote for same government??

    It is so easy to blame foreigners, before that you must introspect yourselves and think what you are lacking. Please stop posting comments based on race, language or color. In fact, there is no culture for Singapore all four races in Singapore are from other countries, the thing is they came many years before. There is no such thing as Native Singaporeans as in Native Americans :)

    If you have guts, try electing a new government which can stop foreign influx and recruit local people. Can you do that?

    About NS, do NS trained soldiers/reservists really can fight if any war declared? Can they sustain fighting with big armies like US, China and India? These are the countries who have real combat experience and not childish mock drills.

  21. I noticed only Singaporeans are crying to do National Service to the country, unlike other countries where citizens of those countries take it as a pride, honor to protect their countries and die for the country. I pity our fellow Singaporeans.

  22. Guys, I am an Indian FT. I tried to integrate with your society, but the racism I was treated with made me sick to the core. I even started a blog on how Indian and Chinese Singaporean cultures are so similar, owing to roots in Buddhism and other Asian ethos. I am an extroverted person and tried to make friends with the man on the street.

    Thanks to dozens of encounters with your rude and obviously racist cab drivers, kopitiam folks, MRT commuters, etc., I quickly realized there's no integrating here. But the straw that broke the camel’s back was when a friend of mine (another Indian FT) died in a car accident (no fault of his). His story was published in online news… and when I scrolled down and saw the comments, I was mortified. There were literally hundereds of comments celebrating how good it is to have one less FT… such vile racism and hatred, I did not think humanly possible. On a story of how a poor young guy died. His family would’ve read it too.

    I’ve lived for 3 years in Russia and I saw no racism/xenophobia directed against me. And here, it is palpable. I’ve learned that I'll always be considered a foreigner and be hated for it - nothing I can do to change that. This society is too narrow minded to accept me. Except, maybe, if I were white.

    Btw, I am a qualified (MBA) management consultant in his 20s. And my skin is quite fair. Yet, I can tell that deep inside, all you folks will never accept me, even if I perfect my Singlish, and even if 3 generations after me serve NS.

    Why? Because Singapore’s hatred is impervious to logic, reason, and humanity. You are raised to think of the world with a racial lens, and even the most educated among you continued to bring up your kids that way.

    Different race/nationality = bad. That’s the mantra drilled into you as kids, and sustainably fed to you by your media (and social media) as adults. No logic or reason can change that. Case in point: you guys see logic in that PAP wants to GAIN votes by bringing in foreigners; seriously? Please do the math, guys.

    Lastly, for those of you who think Indian professionals come here for greener pastures, wrong. The average professional in India would live in luxury that even your MM might not match (I mean multiple maids, car, driver, huge home, etc.). Yes the money is better, costs are too; hardly a net gain. We come here for international exposure – something Singaporeans need desperately, and something Indians realize is the last thing you’ll get if you interact with locals. Those who stay remain for the one thing that is truly a ‘net benefit’ in Singapore – convenience/safety.

    Now, my entire friend circle is expat. And all they do is make fun of how mollycoddled, childlike, ungrateful, and impervious to logic Singaporeans are. You guys don’t deserve this… but in my worst moments, I find it hard to disagree.

    1. Go to west and see how u are really racially hated. Be thankful singapore let u stay and work where ur govt is so corrupted u also hate it too right. Think u are your own self hate

    2. You are just racist man. Why do you hate Indians so much?

    3. What go West? Hold on buddy... try being Indian and looking for a place to rent in Singapore. Its a nightmare. You are made to feel like scum, just because of your race. "No Indians please", "Landlord wants no Indians" everywhere.
      Don't yet compare yourself to the West. The kind of openness you see in London or New York is non-existent here. Indians are treated no different in the West. Its silly that you may think so. Do you believe that you're doing a favour to us and being "nice" by having less racial hatred than you think Westerners have?

    4. Sick to the core being in Singapore? Awww.... poor u... :(
      Then bloody get lost!! We don't need you here! Give us some space in our buses and trains!!

      You know what gets on my nerves? The fact that you people are totally ungrateful jerks! You come here for your own benefit - money, exposure, whatever else it may be and yet you look down on us locals and think so highly of yourself! Now what do you want? You expect us to roll red carpet to welcome you guys to take our jobs and opportunities?!

      This is!! We were born and brought up here! We shouldn't even be pissed about the overcrowding at our own birth place?!

      If it's that sickening for you, please leave!! Don't you dare stay here and talk ill about us! If we are whinning then how many FTs in this very forum itself are genuinely grateful and happy about being here in Singapore? You people are complaining too! It's just like going to a stranger's house, sitting on his sofa and condemning his house, telling him that you are feeling sick being there! Shame on you!!

      I have nothing against those humble FTs who are here and are grateful about being here in Singapore. I have a lot of FT friends and am a local. But it's you stuck up ones who come and sit at our place and mock us that I can't stand!

    5. I am in India, they are the most racist people you can imagine. If you are yellow skin, people will call you chinky(white sugar) or even Nepali. They treat Nepali like dirt whereas we treat the Nepali with highest respect as they protect our country. India police will set a person up just to get bribe, I don't think Singapore police will do such thing to any Indian in Singapore. Indian get to work in Singapore because our government invested billions of dollar in India and seem like money laundering. Sad to see so many Cake Leng Kia in Singapore, nothing but trouble.

    6. Get your facts right,every society is open or close, it lies on the eyes of beholder. I am an Indian Singaporean who served NS. My best friends were all Chinese Singaporeans. But when you come to Singapore you have to respect the Singaporean culture. And do not try to show your North Indian culture superior to others.
      Have you ever seen any North Indians recent arrivals taking part in Chinese New Year celebration but you will always see Tamils & other Indians who are living for generations join their Chinese brother & sisters in their Chinese New Year. If you will not try to integrate, better for you is to go back to Russia or India ,,,,get out of here......

    7. To the expat Indian - that's exactly how i feel. Stumbled upon this blog while searching for something else. And I'm not surprised. Never seen such a racist nation. I came here in 2008 and tried to integrate. Now I only stay in touch with one Singaporean classmate. The rest are all scum and need to be treated like that. They think they're better than mainland Chinese or Indians, yet will pee in their pants if asked to compete on a Math/IQ test. They cheat in school so much that everywhere people know about these cheaters in graduate school. No wonder no one wants to recruit these idiots.

  23. Great you have the perfect reason to go home. You make a good living here, if you think Singapore bad ... Get out.

  24. The problem with the average Singaporean is that he has too much time at his hands. Common! Get out of your nanny's fold and do some work for fck sake! Whining all day aint gonna take you anywhere.

    As an en expat do I make fun of you little buggers? Yes by jolly I do!. You guys are such pathetic losers that it will be epic NOT to make fun of you.

    And oh yes. When the enemy comes invading please send your maids to front line. They will do a much nicer job than you low life losers.

  25. It's worrying a lot to see these messages everyday. Especially quite a number of Delhi people in Singapore. Careful Singapore Girls. Stay away from DELHI People.

    Teenaged student raped at knife point in Delhi

    New Delhi, Jan 13 (IANS) A 14-year-old student was allegedly raped by her neighbour at knifepoint here, police said Sunday. The accused has been arrested.
    "The class 8 student was allegedly raped at knife point by her neighbour at her own residence at Khajuri Khas in east Delhi Saturday afternoon," said a police officer.
    In her police complaint, the victim said that Aalim, 25, forced himself on her and proceeded to sexually assault her after scaling the wall of her house even as her mother slept in the very next room.
    Before escaping, Aalim threatened to kill her if she revealed it to anyone. The victim, however, told her mother as soon as he left, police said.
    "Aalim was arrested immediately after the victim's medical examination confirmed sexual assault," an officer added.

    1. Uhhh.. Singapore have cases of shop theft all the time. Therefore every Singaporean all over the world steal from shops mah! They very theif one! Hide your teh tarik lah!!

      My statement above is obviously false. And stupid. But still much less stupid than yours, as I’m only drawing a generalization on a population of 5 million. Yours makers a generalization on a population of 1.3 billion!!!

      Learn statistics before you make statements about 1/6th of the world population, dumbass!!

    2. Well I cannot agree with you more on this. Delhi is the Rape capital of not only India but of the World. Even Indians from other parts of the India particularly South and East are scared of going to Delhi. The Delhi guys are rude, obnoxious, aggresive, itching for a fight, and the most dangerous thing is always have sex on their mind. I have seen some typically Delhi guys in Singapore even hitting at Women even though they are with other Men

  26. Statistics show every day few girls are raped in DELHI the Rape Capital of INDIA

  27. Indians from North are very rude and they have very high resistance to change their slang and language. They speak only HINDI. No body understands except their own group. They mingle only with the Hindi speaking group and do not want to mingle with the local races. They are spoiling Singapore in such a way. They are here only to earn and run away when there is a economic problem. They put their children in the Global Indian School and do not want to do National Service.

  28. There ain't smoke if there ain't fire. There is huge cultural difference between Singapore and India (or even between the different Indian states). Therefore there is this unacceptance that is hard to ignore. Take some time staying in India and you will understand why the Indian behave the way they do. Doing so will help you understand them more and forgive where necessary.

  29. I am Singapore Chinese & I am sick to the core of how racist Singaporeans can be! They feel that its alright all these years, we have Asians from neighbouring countries taking up lower end or blue collar jobs because of our "superior" educational systems and English is our working language & somebody has to take up those jobs for our society to continue functioning. The minute we have a flood of immigrants from India taking up the higher management jobs, we start making noise! Well, many of these Indians are skilled in multi-disciplinary fields such as Engineering & Finance coupled with MBAs while others are just very proficient in IT programming! Some of the institutions from India such as IITs & IIMs are much more difficult to enter than the Ivy leagues in the US. The English they speak might be accented but are grammatical structured as the proper English language should be & not the Singlish we try to pass as English that only Singaporeans in our Red Dot appreciate (Singlish has no economic value at all, just sentimental perhaps!) and will only hinder our progress especially for our future generations to compete on the global platform! We need to attract foreigh talents to our local institutions to raise their profile globally, in terms of the quality of students and thus, recruitment by MNCs! At the end of the day, our institutions rankings will increase and the local students will benefit as well!

    1. You, sir, unlike most Sinkies who have responded to this thread, will be a success in life (likely are one already). You realize that now no country (definitely not SG) is insulated from the competition in the global talent market, and that you must stay competitive and step up your game to succeed.

      If we Singaporeans want jobs that the government will protect for us, we will have to restrict ourselves to hawker centers, taxis, and cleaners. If we want to make more than that, we need to take our destinies into our own hands and not blame gahmen and FT like sole losers.

  30. Weird, I stumble across this thread because I was searching for articles on Indian FTs for a different reason altogether… Actually I have quite a few of them in the workplace and frankly I have learned so much from them. Sinkies are kiasu and don’t want to teach others tricks of the trade, ang moh is too cats whiskers to care, ah tiong/pinoy have nothing to teach in the first place, but Indian always answer my question and mentor me. They really knowledge sharing one...

    Sorry to see that so many loser sinkies are saying bad things about you guys – please don’t think that every one feel this way!

    - Grateful Goh

  31. Simple local north indian girl7/24/2013 12:40 PM

    hey, to tell you the truth, I am happy that the north Indians are coming. I myself who is a local north indian use to be treated unfairly by the tamils. They say that Singapore is a multi-racial country haha bullshit. Everyrace is choosing to eat with their own race, hang out with their own race and every race is having an issue with another race. Me myself being a local hindi speaking north indian use to grow up in pain because my community is not much in Singapore. I use to eat lunch all alone in school and had no friends coz of the racism in Singapore. Do you know how it feels to be treated unfairly in Singapore. Even the local tamils have an issue with the north Indians even when we are the most nices people around. Human beings we are all the same. There is only one race and one god out there for all of us that is the godness of love. We should love everyone regardless of race, religion or dialect.

  32. Wow, so much hate!

  33. So much hate? Why? And still expect foreigners to try to integrate with the society here, when they are always reminded that they don't belong to this place? I am working in non-IT company with ppl from singapore, India, Malaysia, indonesia, berma....there is do much of groupism... Grps based on your race, country, language, department... Not a single grp of ppl with diff backgrounds... Either u r part of one of them (if u are fortunate enough) or alone.. They say they r not racist.. But prefer mingle around with ppl who speak a common dialect!! There are clear boundaries and u dare not to cross that!! No one will entertain u... A simple hi- hello will also receive a cold response... This is the situation in day to day life as well.. More or less.... Do you even think how a foreigner is feeling about all this? Most of the reactions are like either u bare with our hatred or get lost!!! We don't need you here... Really??

  34. I am not saying everyone is like that.... There r exceptions.... I have local chinese, indian frnds.... My malay neighbor is a nice couple... We exchange sweets on Hari raya and diwali.... They show interest in our traditions and vice versa... But these r rare occasions.... In fact local races also cannot mingle with each other... Again it is in general...of course there are exceptions... With so many conflicts where singaporeans look down upon each other every now and then... How easy it is for a person from other country to integrate here?

  35. "The lesser mortals of local Indians speaking Tamil will have to contend with Little India, while uppity foreign Indian types will be conversing in Hindi at the up-market side of town." Huhh?? Hasn't it always been the case that South Indians have always been smarter then the northies. Looking at the CEOS at major companies. I would say the northies are there just to fill up spaces for their level of education which is fair enough. Not denying they aren't intelligent, I think its fair that they hold such jobs but have to agree that they tend to be cliquish. Depends though, I do see many integrating. The reason why you don't see many South Indian expats in SG is that they are CEOs and in top management which SG wants locals to fill up. Not the case in other countries, SUndar pichai, Shantanu narayen, Satya Nadella,Naveen Selvadurai, Raghuram Rajan a few examples

  36. OK. I am in India. My company wants me to transfer to Singapore and stumbled upon this thread because I was looking for what would the experience of living in an HDB like Singaporeans do. I wanted to know if it would enrich my life experience by learning and interacting with people of different culture. Fortunately, I make a very decent living in India and live a luxurious lifestyle. My only reason to accept transfer to Singapore is because it is seen like a global business hub like Dubai. The experience would be invaluable.

    However, from the complaining I see from the SG citizens leave some questions unanswered in my mind about their objections. Here they are:-

    1. They seem to be complaining about only PRC or Indians taking their jobs. So it OK for a Caucasian to take their jobs but not Indians and PRC. Isn't that looking down upon Indians and PRC - the same thing you are complaining them about doing?

    2. While I cannot say about the PAP government - do Singaporean deny that PAP has achieved enough admiration of the world for Singapore to have global businesses set up in Singapore?

    3. I am not sure I understand the economic sense of the claim that foreigners are taking "their" jobs. Were they fired and a foreigner hired in their place? Have there been instances of that?

    4. Continuing on the theme of economic sense. Even if one believes the SG citizen that the PAP Government is importing votes through foreigners, I still do not understand why they believe businesses will do that. It is not logical or economical for a business to hire a foreigner at a higher salary they could get a Singaporean to do. I can understand when Americans or British or European complain that migrant are taking their jobs by working for lower wages. But I see the SG folks complain that foreigners are taking their jobs by coming to the country and working for higher wages. So why is that global companies are paying higher wages than Singaporean candidate. What are we missing here?

    If they find a qualified Singaporean to work at 5.5K when they would need to pay 7K to a foreigner (Indian or otherwise), why would they do it? It defies all logic.

    I also do not understand the sense of entitlement the local citizens have - this is not a phenomenon seen in just Singapore. In a global economy that you chose to be part of (you cannot say you did not you benefit from it) you are going to compete with people who command a better grasp of language, have worked globally, come from the top colleges across the world. The business will always look for value. In terms of experience or skills/dollar. If they are not able to find it in you, they will find it in someone else. Regardless of whether you are a citizen or not. The businesses absolutely do not care if you are a citizen unless you are Labour Law headache country like some of the European socialist countries.

  37. you subscribed to global economy so stop cribbing of people coming to singapore.
    Or if you can then ask your government to stop giving visas to people.If you cannot do that,your rant is useless.

  38. Very well written article indeed. But more than North Indian , I will call this group Punjabis. They are the most racist, prejudice, virulent group in India who thinks themselves to be superior to others. Not only in Singapore but wherever they go , they try to forcefully superimpose their culture on others. Recent times I am sure you guys have heard about the attacks on Indians in Australia and Canada, it is the Punjabis who get beaten for the right reasons. Most of the rapes which happen are done by the Punjabis in Delhi.
    On the other hand the Tamils, Telugus and even Bengalis who have gone recently to Singapore have integrated very well. They also try to learn a local language unlike the Sikhs and Punjabis who always speak in Hindi

  39. Hello Everybody,
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