Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Not So Easily Forgotten

Today, 30 June 2015, marks the 100th day since the horrible person finally left this world for a better place where there is no COE, ERP, GST and Medishield Life premiums. For the record, champagne glasses across the island were clinked in rejoice on 23 March 2015. Just to prove that the daft are still around, some chose to commemorate the 100th day of his passing on the 28th - these folks can't even read a calendar.

Others choose 29 March 2015 as a significant date. That was the Sunday when the skies opened up to rain on their parade, and avoid the embarrassing semblance of a North Korean style mass send off. It was also the same day that 8 plain clothes police officers converged on a housing block flat unit to arrest a 16 year old boy. Since then, the child has been cuffed and shackled, strapped to an iron bed in a medical ward, deprived of sleep and, as we type, being probed vicariously in a mental institution.

There are those who prefer to turn a blind eye to the humna rights abuse in progress, but Penang civil society groups are not among them. To remind the Singapore authorities of the obligations as a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), they are assembling on 1 July 2015 (Wednesday) at their Penang Speakers' Square (Esplanade) to protest vociferously. Check the online coverage, the local media will be shunting it like a plague.

Another show of support from the international community comes from the Hong Kong University Students’ Union (HKUSU), who is organising a petition  “to demand the Singaporean government to release Amos Yee and stop any sentence due to one’s speech.” HKUSU made it clear in their statement, “Any act of trampling human rights and manipulating the freedom of thought must be condemned.” “Please, please,” begged prominent Hong Kong acitvist James Hon, referring to Singapore’s Prime Minister, “do not follow your father’s footsteps. Do not become another horrible person.”

Gad, what a horrible thought.


  1. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

  2. Release Amos Yee immediately. Free Amos Yee. Let Amos Yee goes home. Set Amos Yee Free.

  3. http://www.ozy.com/flashback/how-the-roman-empire-ran-the-best-pr-campaign-in-history/33389

    Learn from the roman Greeks.

  4. "Do not become another horrible person." So Amos was not alone.

    All the money they poured in their propanganda must have gone to waste to end up with such an endorsement like that.

    Was it worth it for the old man to end up like that ? Indeed it must be the greatest joke for our Clown Prince !!!

    1. It's a tragedy!

    2. How is it that a 17 you self radicalised kid who is reported to have plans to carry out the assassination and partaking of dangerous activities is less danger to a kid who is being horribly done to in an IMH for something that is merely an expression of his youthful call for " stop the blind madness"?!?!

    3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnytlitJR40

      So in other words, he just tai chi it to the terribly calculated people who launched the police reports.
      Must be so easy to be a Professor Dean these days.

      They must be among the people who sit in to commemorate the 100th days of happy celebration.

  5. Has that horrible person gone to a better place? There is that other place that he could have gone which many believe he had.

    1. you mean becoming a stardust in the cow dung?

  6. I thought he was stuffed into an urn.

    1. I think he wanted to be buried, so that he can rise up if something goes wrong. Alas, like his intention about demolishing the house, he is being thwarted by his own horrible children.

  7. "... finally left this world for a better place where there is no COE, ERP, GST and Medishield Life premiums."

    Maybe, where he is now, he has already implemented CoE, ERP, GST, one-child policy, no dialects, and forced every race to live in the same HDB blocks....

  8. Horrible people are everywhere. One pink blogger who recently became a mother herself think the boy deserves mental hospital no less. What irony.


    1. I will laugh when her baby grows up to be autistic.

    2. She mocked his auntie hair. Did she look herself in the mirror?

      She said he is an attention whore, did she look herself in the social media?

      She critiqued the parenting skills of amos, did she look herself in the mirror?

    3. Wouldn't she sing the same tune if her child turns out to be Amos II?
      I once derided her blind support for the MIWs on her blog, she deleted it

  9. Lol..they may not know how to look at calendar, but they definitely can look at the time is misadjusting by a second!!!

  10. I think his " A day in the life of a prisoner" is truly helping many freedom lover under how so many nice innocent people have to be incarcerated for being poor. We now know why singapore has no poor people on the street?!! Unbelievable.

  11. When we lost Nanyang University (南洋大学) in the 1970s, we lost our soul.

  12. Why is this blog so concerned with one kid?

    Looking at it in another way - he is a publicity crazy, lazy, arrogant and vulgar teenager who went overboard, no?

    1. It is not about the 1 kid... ( I cant be bothered about him either)

      But its the larger issue of the case:
      - how was it handled
      - how do we deal with "kids"
      - the current tools used to handle him

      We have achieved greatness in financial goals
      We have achieved greatness in trade & economics

      What else is there to achieve?
      What next, since we have money, home, food, comforts?
      Should we achieve greatness in human capital?
      Should we achieve greatness in tolerance?

      Unless we believe we have arrived and there is nothing more to achieve.?

      The clock of life is wound but once,
      And no man has the power
      To tell just when the hands will stop
      At late or early hour.

      To lose one's wealth is sad indeed,
      To lose one's health is more,
      To lose one's soul is such a loss
      That no man can restore.

      The present only is our own,
      So Live, Love, toil with a will --
      Place no faith in 'Tomorrow' --
      For the clock may then be still.

      Robert H. Smith

    2. Then why are you so concerned about one HP?

  13. //“Please, please,” begged prominent Hong Kong acitvist James Hon, referring to Singapore’s Prime Minister//

    Tan ku ku. He has thick skin and flame proof - won't listen. But the skin becomes very thin to criticisms! What do you call this type of creature? Homo horribilis?

  14. 纸包不住火。

    The Thick Hide will not
    hide the Evil Heart.

    人在做, 天在看。

    切记! 切记!
