Monday, September 7, 2015

A Deficit Of Logic

Lee Hsien Loong's team may like to borrow words like Responsibility, Accountability and Transparency, but in their perverse version of the English dictionary, they spell only R.A.T. If you thought the rodents burrowing at Bukit Batok were bad, the species unearthed from parliament house are downright despicable.

It was Charles Chong who told Chinese daily Lianhe Zaobao that the Punggol East SMC had a surplus of $1 million when the People's Action Party (PAP) handed it over to the Workers' Party (WP). Chong was "misleading, lying to the public." These were same words Lawrence Wong used to slime Chee Soon Juan at a recent forum, and claimed an apology should have been forthcoming.

PAP Pasir Ris-Punggol candidate Zainal Sapari inadvertently confirmed the big lie when he wrote in his 9 Sep Facebook posting, Punggol East’s town council accounts showed that “At the handover to AHPETC on 30 Apr 2013, although there was a deficit in the accumulated routine fund of $282,009...” As students of accounting 101 are familiar, the amount of $303,372 claimable as reimbursement from some fund is merely an account receivable, not cash in hand. There's no guarantee that accounts receivable will not turn into bad debts, especially when the Town Councils Act has opaque rules about what happens when there is a change in party managing a constituency. By same definition, your minimum sum in your CPF account is also "claimable", but we know how that goes.

When chief Low Thia Khiang  held up a printout of the ward’s town council accounts as at April 30, 2013, showing a deficit of more than $280,000, he had the proverbial smoking gun in hand.

In 1997, J.B. Jeyaratnam waved a copy of a police report, complaining that Goh Chok Tong, Tony Tan and Brigadier-General (NS) Lee Hsien Loong had been inside a Cheng San GRC polling station on Polling Day. Then  Law Minister S. Jayakumar put it to Attorney General Chan Sek Keong for a legal opinion, and resulted in the warped logic, "while it is illegal to be within 200 metres of a polling station unless you are voting, IT IS NOT ILLEGAL IF YOU ARE INSIDE." Jeyaratnam was also sued for waving another police report, in support of another candidate in Cheng San, lawyer Tang Liang Hong (who Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong had accused of being a Chinese chauvinist). Goh considered the $20,000 award for damages as "derisory", and on appeal, the damages were raised to $100,000 plus $20,000 in court costs.

Times may have changed, but the rats still proliferate. Let's see how this saga unfolds.



    Politics may be "as clean as" the waste dumped under the Halus Wetland in the Punggol Marina Area.

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  2. A DPM and his fellow MPs cannot differentiate between the Income and Loss statement from items of the balance sheet (ie the "claim" or receivables). Quite stunning! And we trust them with the hundreds of billions of reserves?

    1. Does not matter.
      Most voters are unable to balance their expense & earnings anyway.
      Daft.. daft singaporeans.. lazy to verify, lazy to learn.
      Just read the internet, news and swallow hook line & sinker.

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  3. I was just wondering what was that sinking fund sum for if it ended up with a deficit for the Aljunied Town Council ? Does it mean The PAP anyhow hantam the accounts until there is a deficit before handling over to WP? But hor, how come the other PAP Town Councils overcharge their constituents so much until they got so many millions to spare to invest in risky investments ?

    Until now the completely honest PM and his team still haven't shed us a light on why the fuck is their Town Councils involved in risky financial investments? Used too much Pappy soap powder is it? Don't tell me they try to cover up their own dirt ?

  4. Now we know the despicable reason why they have to set up a company like AIM to aim at the opposition as if they don't give a damn the constituents will be paying the costs for duplication of the software. Now with hindsight we know what the horrible son meant when he said he will have to spend his expensive time trying to fix the opposition, isn't it? What an expensive waste of mentoring resources it must be to mentor someone who ended up with such a despicable heart?

  5. It's there, in black and white, a deficit signed by their chairman. What's there to quibble over? I think someone's nose will get even longer to deny this. Yes, there is a deficit, not only in the Punggol East account, but in their transparency and accountability. If you ask me who I believe, I say I will not believe in a party that engages in gutter politics.

    I have seen their speeches and the way they spin their arguments to win our votes. The most egregious was when the PM himself tried to con us when he said "The Central Provident Fund (CPF) offers good returns" and that "You go to DBS, cannot get that. You go to UOB, cannot get that." If he cannot tell the difference between a bank fixed deposit, and a retirement account that is supposed to provide retirement sufficiency for his people, then I say, he does not deserve our votes. The CPF went into a tailspin for it's contributors when it was linked to the rate banks paid for it's fixed deposits in 1999.

    "From 1 July 1999 to present, the formula to compute the calculated rate is 80% fixed deposit rate and 20% savings rate of the average of the major local banks over the preceding relevant 3 months"

  6. The $300,000 appeared to be reimburseable from Community Project Improvement Committee for some community work approved by CCC.
    It is not easy task for WP controlled Town Council to claw back the money from PAP controlled CCC.
    The Teochew ah hia is really a brilliant tactician for turning the table around and put PAP on the defensive.

  7. Do you hear the people sing
    Singing the song of angry men
    It is the music of the people
    Who will come to WP rallies and vote for PAP

    Do you know how to defy the illogic yet? What does it take to nudge them to break that invisible fear and step closer?

    1. This year is not the angry men.
      Is the thirsty men.

  8. Brilliant move by Low TK to turn the table. He didn't really need to say a single word. And the PAP barking dogs started tripping over their own tongues in their frenzy. Made my day!

  9. Must thank Charles Chong for stating BS but easily found out statement which put PAP and his master Ah Loong in the spot again....wonder how come loong and coy can tolerate their members under-mining them so many times...LOL

  10. The PAP Goodbye Song
    When the election results are announced.
    Every time a PAP MP is voted out.
    I wish for all Opposition supporters to start singing:

    Na Na Na Na
    Na Na Na Na
    Hey Hey

    Imagine 200,000 WP supporters singing this simple song at a rally now.
    It will be awesome.


  11. We all now know for a fact they hold back the grants to make it appear that WP is causing a deficit to the Aljunied Town Council accounts. If the same is applied to the other PAP Town Councils, I'm quite sure all PAP Town Councils will also suffer deficit especially when they have to spend so much monies on abalone porridge and shark fins soup and selling at S$1.00 per bowl.

    If want to apply the same standards, why not apply to all Town Councils but pick only on the opposition wards only ? PAP leaders are damn evil, isn't it ?

    Actually frankly speaking if PAP have nothing else other than than the accounts to point their fingers at WP, it only goes to show WP must have done quite a remarkable job in managing the Town Councils.

  12. Let there be light, and there is light!

    Wow, both DPM Teo and Mr Supari misleading behaviours are found wanting. Truly despicable.

    Punggol East was indeed in deficit. And they try to confuse illiterate or daft voters from income statement vs cash statement. Receivables are (to be received) not Received! Even if they do come in, is clear they go into cash flow of the sinking fund!

    Another strong reason why PAP has become the evil empire trying to cock a snook from its bully pulpit. Pls go back to accounting 101 or get out of our peasants faces.

  13. I call upon Fellow Voters
    to VOTE OUT
    BETRAYAL in 2015.



  14. Woody said "PAP is a cruise ship with a definite destination"

    Yes, and so was the Titanic. Its voyage was from Southampton to New York. A very definite destination.

    1. The Titanic was overcrowded, and not provided with enough lifeboats. And when it was sinking, the rich were given priority over the poor. Yup, describes the PAP to a T.

  15. Smart voters please go educate yourselves

    Is clear how WP has been running an excellent job in TC.
    Don't believe the IB bullshit that is dished around.

  16. Last election the horrible old man threatened the Aljunied voters with repentance. This election PAP seems to be in panic mode judging from the many blunders made by our PAP leaders.

    The horrible son cursed voters for voting mice into Parliament. He forgot his wooden cock spoke only once in Parliament and to add salt into injury, the wooden cock supported the 6.9m Population White Paper, of all issues he supported the one most hated by the people.

    Then the wood cock liken voters as animals chasing meat, the biggest blunder of all. As if not enough, he liken the opposition as taking voters for a ride on a casino cruise ship to nowhere. He also forgot PAP is the one approving 2 casinos to take Singaporeans for a ride with the PAP Govt greedily collection S$100 entry per citizen.

    See if you want to talk bad about anyone, make sure you wipe your own backside first since you want to wear the white uniform. PAP forgot people can clearly see shit in the backsides but they didn't realise it themselves. Obviously they must have forgoted PAP got FUCKED at the Toa Payoh rooftop.

  17. Don't be seduced by Ah Loongs carrots: "If the PAP is voted back into Aljunied GRC, it can transform the area in and around it again."

    But why not listen to Woody himself, he puts it better: "….. if the people are not careful, they get seduced and you know what happens when you are seduced. You will pay a price."

    1. Isnt it similar to the horrible man's words ?

      "If Aljunied decides to go that way, well Aljunied has five years to live and repent."

  18. Vote the PAP out!! It seems clearer that they're not going to let citizens withdraw their CPF savings at age 55.

    They forced on us CPF Life and now they ask us what's the rationale of returning CPF savings at 55 and yet subsidize CPF Life. What kind of rights do we have as a citizen on our own money?

  19. So simple even TCH can't tell or try to act blur?
    Don't mix income and expenditure with receivables and payables. Because income and expenditure statement are "facts", what has already happened, but receivables could be fiction. Basic accounting principles.

    No wonder his GRC were the one who lost the Lehman monies in the investment years ago I don't recall there was any accountability to the residents!

    I hope strong parties please come to pasir ris to contest.
    It irks me that another paper general and more redundant MIWs are getting into the parliament.


    Why do people continue to want to vote for a party that has a deficit in compassion. ..deficit in humility...and deficit in leadership.

    Today's headline on ST says WP has intentions to be government in future like as if that is some kind of horrible unthinkable plague to be avoided?! What is wrong with that idea? For that matter, it could be SDP or any other party too.
    Is it going to happen tomorrow? 12 September? 2020?
    Of course not! But surely people can work towards a vision of duo party? This sort of process takes time, inVestment and won't happen overnight. But we surely must welcome it if talented good virtuous people want to lead! PAP has no God given entitlement to govern forever unless it actually practices elitism.

    A more horrible headline that ST should print is "PAP Intends to be permanent government!! Gosh, that awful scary thought is truly an unthinkable one that sends shiver down my spine.

    The system has begun showing corrosion and lack of transparency and accountability. Singaporeans need to help seed in place good alternative options or we lose another decades of overbearing dominance that has no tooth for checks. It becomes irreversible. This is the last door before it is shut. Vote fearlessly and wisely.

  21. With enemies like PAP, even if voters put in say 30 Oppo candidates, there is no guarantee PAP won't fix them out of office, constantly tripping or hurdling them. All these even before voters got a chance to vote any bad apples out lah.

    So people should just vote lah...history is littered with failed candidates or parties fixed by you know who lah..of course a few deserving to lose too.

    Don't forget too. This is the power greedy hungry selfish party who has NO hesitation to Gerrymander you (the suspected anti pap) voters out of your precinct so that you are like a political football kicked to another constituency so their chance of winning is secured. Is it really for you? With you? Or for PARTY?

    They can do that you on a local level, they can carve the same math and method when it comes to population. Let's think about it.

  22. In 2011, they were slapped once from the lost of a GRC.
    That was a good slap. They tried to do things better but.. you know... a leopard cannot change its spots... and they drifted into slumber again.

    Time for another slap... this time a very hard, stiff one.
    2 GRC lost with another 3SMC.

    Love to see their faces on TV after the announcements.
    Now.. that is truly a SG50 birthday gift and 50 rounds of beer!

    In the words of the man:

    "...And in the infighting, he will go down for the count every time... I will make him crawl on his bended knees, and beg for mercy. .."

    1. They were slapped 7 times by the WP in GE2011. Maybe this time, they will be slapped 28 times.

  23. You know what else has a deficit of logic and common sense?

    Just watch how they still justify foreign scholarship where 3 rd world country degrees and cut off points are better than our local kids. Makes your blood boil...especially those parents who need to bleed money by selling off HDB to get loans.

  24. @ Anonymous9/07/2015 7:13 PM
    //But why not listen to Woody himself, he puts it better: "….. if the people are not careful, they get seduced and you know what happens when you are seduced. You will pay a price." //

    Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 with asset enhancement and now they are paying the ( unbearable ) price of HIGHEST COST OF LIVING as the most expensive city WORLDWIDE!

    Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 with asset enhancement and now they are paying the ( fatal ) price of EXPENSIVE and UNCOMPETITIVE EXPORTS which has been on a downward trends ESPECIALLY in the past 3 years.

    Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 with asset enhancement and now they are paying the ( OVER BUILDING ) price of build, build, build to make up for shortfall in non-competitive exports!

    1. Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 with upgrading carrots and now they are paying the ( scary ) price of 6.9m and more ........

      Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 with upgrading carrots and now they are paying the ( unbelievable ) price of giving university places and hundreds of millions each year to foreign students in all expenses paid free education with free yearly to and fro air tickets back to their hometown some more!

      Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 with upgrading carrots and now they are paying the ( unacceptable ) price of not able to see their eternal blossom "love" ( cpf savings ) which they had worked an entire lifetime to build up but may not be able to see even in their last breath.

    2. Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 with upgrading carrots and now they are paying the ( miserable ) price of being kicked out of their PMETs jobs and condemned to driving taxi and patrolling as security guards in their twilight years if you are LUCKY! ( For others the fate is worst ........ see below )

      Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 with upgrading carrots and now they are paying the ( "healthy" ) price of doing exercise for 8 to 12 hours each day ravaging rubbish bins for metal cans and disposed card boards to make a few dollars for a living in their twilight years. ( What CPF LIFE? Tkss! )

      Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 with upgrading carrots and now they are paying the ( economics ) price of some "donkey engineers" helming MTI with totally no economics background and running the sinkieland economy to the ground.

    3. The list goes on .....

      In summary, Sinkies have been seduced in the past 25 years since 1990 and now they are paying the ( open-ended infinite ) price ........

      WHO WERE the ONES SECUCIIIIIIIIIG sinkie ALL THESE 25 YEARS since 1990 ....... ?

    4. No prizes for the correct guess!

      The answer is a no brainer!

      But daft are daft and that's why old man called them daft. Lao Goa called them recently as "DOGS with upgrading crumbs and meats thrown at them" ...... The younger ones are smarter but now too late liao! The rice ( 米 ) already cooked ( 煮成熟饭 ) as popularly forewarned in Chinese teachings!

  25. Yes, too late liao!
    So you have no choice but to vote PAP! or else you assets will drop in price, the economy will tank and FTs will return home and your rental income will drop. Your taxis will find no passengers! Your universities no foreign students and professors. Your Sampan will be struck by lightning and sink and lao goh runroad to Switzerland.

  26. Hello,

    Actually Zainal Sapari's mistake isn't about the collectible of the "other receivables". It is about accrual accounting. "other receivables" is a balance sheet item and the deficit is in the Income Statement. You CANNOT add a balance sheet item to magically turn a deficit in the Income Statement into "surplus".

  27. "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."

    Joseph Stalin

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    Full Name:................
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  51. Do you need a loan. We are Legitimate and guarantee loan lender. We are a company with financial assistance. We loan funds out to individuals in need of financial assistance, that have a bad credit or in need of money to pay bills, to invest on business. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable beneficiary assistance as We'll be glad to offer you a loan. Please contact us directly on via:

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    Michael David.
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  54. Do you need a financial help? Are you in any financial crisis or do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need funds to settle your debt or pay off your bills or start a good business? Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital services from local banks and other financial institutes? Here is your chance to obtain a financial services from our company. We offer the following finance to individuals-
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  55. Do you need a finance at 3% to pay your bills or start up a business of your own? If yes ,contact us with this following details...

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    Mr.patrick George

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  56. Do you need Finance?
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  60. Attention Please!!!

    This is SOF-Standard Online Finance Ltd. A well known and reputable financial lending company giving opportunities to genuine and eligible individuals, companies, corporate organization that is in quest for a loan for personal purpose, business start-ups, business expansion, construction projects, etc. If you are in need of a loan for a legitimate purpose, we urge you all to seize this limited opportunity to join our chains of increasing customers that are giving testimonies of our reliable and efficient lending services. Reach us today via email: for more details and procedures.

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