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Just another friendly neighbourhood PRC national ranting online |
In response to Mr Low Thia Khiang's rebuttal of alleged xenophobia, Li has just added fuel to fire:
[I respect Mr Low’s logic. The reason why he has such fear obviously could not be due to me, who is just one new citizen. In fact, he recalled in his article his past where he had indelible fear, a fear which he called the "White Terror". I am not ignorant of the period of history Mr. Low mentioned.]
[But the world has since progressed, and new history is being written. Singapore has undergone one "watershed" after another. Having won a series of election campaign, and becoming the largest opposition in the Parliament, the Workers’ Party is now the darling of the day. Many concerned friends have even asked me, “Would you get into any trouble?” for me to write something criticising the Workers' Party and Low TK’s article at this point in time.]
[ I originally wondered if my friends were unnecessarily "frightened". But now I realised their concern is not without basis. For Mr. Low to characterise me as "wanting to cause the Workers Party to die/death", I suspect he is trying to incite discontentment among his supporters on me. Does he need to resort to inciting tragic, on this discussion between us?]
Interesting inflammatory language, for one who has threatened to "flatten" Singapore.
And broadcasts to the whole wide world how lazy Singaporeans are:
He has deleted his Facebook account, but his anti-Singapore government remarks on Chinese social network Weibo (微博) are still available on the Internet. Writing as a "Singapore journalist" then, he questioned the immigration policies of the Singapore government and makes disparaging remarks about the government's self-contradicting policies. In another online posting, Li Ye Ming also mis-represented Singaporeans on the issue of Taiwan independence, claiming that all Singaporeans are against the independence of Taiwan.
We are thoroughly confused. Which side is this guy really on?
Which side is he on?
ReplyDeleteNeither. Whereever the wind blows, he'll be.
This type of character is the most dangerous.
What you expect from a Shanghainese.
DeleteAnother double-head Ah tiong snake that all about protecting his own interest.
DeleteIs he a communist from PRC who has infiltrated the Ministry of Home Affairs ?
DeleteWhy our Home Ministry employs an ex-PRC as a Senior Inspector .... Singaporeans can no longer be trusted ?
Looks like china is planting communist spies and 5th column in s'pore. When china declares sovereignty over south china seas oil & gas reserves and threatens war on asean countries, these people will fly the china flags and roll out the red carpet, if not physically then definitely on the internet with their pro-china postings.
ReplyDeleteSo this is the kind of new citizens we are getting. What happens if he had served NS and posted to some sensitive unit? Looks like we have already dragged the Trojan Horse into our country. What is the use of NS anymore, when the enemies are in our midst.
ReplyDeleteHis "fear" of criticising the WP takes the cake.With bloggers like you there is nowhere to hide for these despicable people. Congratulations for this piece. Moles have been used before. Anyone remember Zakaria? He was planted by the PAP as a law student in the early 1960s in the University of Singapore until LKY himself exposed for having failed in his mission targetting the American lecturer Dr. Shirle Gordon who was then prohibited from remaining or returning to Singapore.
ReplyDelete/// Which side is he on? ///
ReplyDeleteHe goes with the flow.
Anyone thinks he will stand up for Singapore?
NS men. Is this fellow worth defending with your life?
I don;t even want his duty tax! I will pay him a duty tax to get lost!
DeleteWe never give a damn about Taiwan independence. In fact, does this guy even know that we have military training there? For him to sprout something so irresponsible, is hardly a scholar material, let alone singapore citizens'.
DeleteYou are not Chinese obviously - if you do not want to see Taiwan re-united.
DeleteAll Chinese do care a damn!
o piss off.
Delete1) don't conflate your PRC logic into what it means to be chinese, the communist party of china has no legitimacy to that claim.
2) you are not singaporean obviously. any singaporean son would know of our military training requirements in taiwan, and not shoot his mouth off about what is between the PRC and the ROC!
to be clear, my comment above, at 3:59 pm was directed to the fake singaporean at 3:14pm!
Deletewhat a load of rubbish!
DeleteLooking at the trend nowadays and how things are going, I'm not surprised that during times of conflict, the first is to gunned down by NSmen are these 'spies' who tried to pretend that they are part of the team.
DeleteWhat a loose cannon!
DeleteThink this guy 4.30pm needs to see a psychiatrist. He can go tangential anytime!
Issue here is accusation of xenophobia - which is what msm is trying to portray those who are against the Population White Paper.
Stay focused!
I've traveled plenty of western countries and visited many china towns. If/whenever you come across PRC chinese (migrated or not), whenever you tell them you're from SGP, they almost always feel you are one of them, and regard you as one of them.
DeleteUnfortunately we (asian chinese) don't feel that way anymore as we have settled into our own nationality, although we are ethnic chinese, race simply does not come before our nationality. Is a very deep-rooted Da-Han mentality that they still carry around with them - fortunately or not.
It will take time before they come around and mature beyond their monolithic society.
DeleteErr..can I also tell him 在新加拨人面前不说新文?
Actually, our standard of expectation very low one..speak broken english to show you at least make an effort to try meh - good enough. No need Singlish - more for advanced level lah.
ReplyDeleteIncredible! This is the kind of clan and plan that our govt is funding using my tax money, via his so-called Sectarian integration? What took him 17 years to convert into a Singaporean and with that, all the hidden baggages that he's still a chinese against taipei independence and true blue sinkie? This is the kind of "singaporean core" that the PAP is defending and putting in strategic places to bridge gaps with locals? I don't know what to say.
//..包括所有归化的新公民、还有那些跟我们拥有相同信念和价值观// zaobao
ReplyDeleteYou call this kind of naturalized citizen who share the same values and core as us? Clearly this bloke is not walking his talk, a double-face snake whom we let slither in. What has he been doing all these 17 years in SGP?
Gee, this bloke wants to raise a PRC army to "flatten Singapore".
ReplyDeleteAnd did I read it correctly, he's from MHA?
Confusing roles he has..he works for Singtel? Also a Research & Publication person at the Clan? Also a reporter? All that under MHA? Wow..
DeleteTried calling Singtel but could not connect to HR. Found few media contacts in their website and this is abominable attitude from a Ah Tiong. We're subscribing to all the Singtel's crappy mobile/mio/land lines and they're hiring moron's to spew filth on locals. Chinese clans or whatever piece of bung hole this moron is associated with......Singapore is a multi-cultural and moron's who never experienced it first-hand, can take their sorry Ah-Tiong ass and move back.
ReplyDeleteShame on you PAP and your stupid immigration policies. Your never deserved any respect in the first place and all these proxy wars through chinese clans inciting xenophobia allegation is indeed a sign of things to come as a low-life that you've become.
Atleast be like the Grand Old Dictator (GOD??) and take your knuckle/nut busters and fight it out in the open.
Exposed this dangerous crackpot.
【李叶明】熟悉二月河“康雍乾帝王”系列的人一定知道,中国官场的潜规则就是要出奇用兵,千万不要把招式用老咯;要害一个人就不能一路害下去,反而要去捧他,然后借刀 杀人,那样才会不留痕迹,没有手尾。同样的道理,你以为刘程强为文反驳李叶明,李先生就会感觉到害怕/压力吗?其实他高兴还来不及呢!
这个 人从踏上新加坡土地的头一天就决定要为他将来的仕途打算,削尖脑袋都要钻入主流(执政党)的阵营。但是他又不要从基层做起,那太费力和low tech了,他于是运用吸睛的紫牛策略,创建“随笔南洋网”,拉拢了一些本地依然对中国大陆没有断奶的老人,一派和乐融融的搞“南洋风”,不断在早报言论 版写文章(最近一个叫纪赟的也要照饭煮碗)和官媒搞联合活动,让高官从象牙塔上的破窗也看得到他(好过一个叫翁德生的,真的是狗都不理)。
其实这一招“欲擒故纵”也不需要去啃“帝王系列”,当年“圆切线”也做过了。那年,他们都是刚刚从欧美名牌大学毕业,回来在本地大学或者报馆当个讲师或者小 记者,怎么引起上层的注意呢?哦,不就装成延长版的青春反叛期咯,故意和本地的一些前左派人士走得特别近,写些掺杂“大叙事、语境”punch lines的文章,申言要以中文来关心本地社会——针砭时弊。之后果然纷纷被招安,诱之以厚禄,成了教授、总裁、主任等等,名成利就后,这些人就再也没有 时间批评时局了。有些风花雪月,有些公然大剌剌捍卫执政党的利益,自然那块敲门砖——“圆切线”也丢弃很久了。
说回李叶明这个人,他说他不 知道刘程强在说什么?其实这招“抵憨”他经常在“随笔南洋论坛”使用,他表面上是个道貌岸然的版主,实际上被新移民网友指出他利用多重身份——几个马甲以 耍赖的方式来攻击反驳他的新加坡人。且说当年他们组队到吉隆坡去迎接京奥的旗帜,被本地人指出是“爱国”,他“抵憨”说是因为他热爱体育运动,可是后来青 奥和最近的伦敦奥运都不见他“热爱”;PR张元元摇身一变成了女兵,参加中国国庆检阅礼,并且在镜头前亮蓝登记,他假装不能理解本地人的气愤,他说连部长 也说永久居民和公民是有不同滴;可是到了永久居民失去一些利益时,他又说永久居民也要服兵役,和公民没两样;最近人口白皮书,他选了刘程强发飙,都是精心 设计的。就是目前在官方媒体中文党棍水准低落的情况下,能使出那种死缠烂打、栽赃嫁祸的红卫兵手段,特别是迎战工人党党魁这一役更要成为焦点,使他的文字 功力足以让党倚重他,任他为打手。有了这么一个大党撑腰,那么他朝思暮想作新移民的意见领袖不就成功了大半了吗?
如果本地的新移民以为李叶 明在为他们打拼的话,那也是大错特错,其实他只是想借该网页网友的集合力量不着痕迹地为自己牟利。这招当年天府会的会长杜志强也靠它发迹。来星之前,杜志 强不过是四川省政府的一名小公务员,为了羡慕别人的草坪,他从中国来到新加坡,非常委屈地在一家本地宰鸡厂当个杂工兼厂长,之后凭着他能说会道和脸皮够 厚,到处攀关系,竟然给他加入一支执政党议员和部长组成的羽球队,之后的仕途就平步青云了。他被延揽担任许多政府有关新移民的委员会成员,自己也开展从中 国代理劳工和移民的生意(陪读妈妈的花招,他就是个始作俑者),结果是当球员也当裁判,捞得盆满钵满。成立天府会之后,就转过来接待来自中国四川、北京的 官员,法螺一吹,说自己在新加坡政府行政体系里面人脉如何又如何,名片上满是头衔,结果也是受到中国省级、国家级的对外委任。然后又到宗乡总会舔蔡天宝的 屁股,亦步亦趋,比新加坡其他宗乡会馆还更舍得花钱吸睛,最后上升到宴会上与李资政同桌的等级……
thanks for this insightful chinese article. this guy is just finding his steps to go up the ladder of fame. shame on this new citizen !
DeleteGoh Meng Seng also wrote a piece.
Is he a long term PR or SC? Can anyone clarify his identity? He was on the chinese program with LHL on the NATCON tv, where PM Lee said he's an "old migrant". Watch @29:50
Is Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations attacking LTK now? Who are they anyway? Chinese moles associations??
ReplyDeleteIN LKY times, he will be labeled as the Chinese Chauvinist.
ReplyDeleteI think somebody ought to get him out for a limkopi session.
Why do we need clan associations today? Isn't this highly divisive - at a national level, as well as among the Chinese? And it's so non-integration.
Delete//In fact, he recalled in his article his past where he had indelible fear, a fear which he called the "White Terror". I am not ignorant of the period of history Mr. Low mentioned.] //
ReplyDeleteWow, I am a first generation Singaporean and not even many political activists dare claim we know about the White Terror until recent years. He's here for 17 years as a new citizen (not even 1 generation yet) he claims to know the history very well.... whose version of the history does he know exactly?
There is no contradiction - this type of person is a self-serving jack@ss - he changes opinions in order to claim advantage for himself.
ReplyDeleteThis is the type of 'new citizen' that PAP is getting in - much like the PAP, self-serving and selfish.
He is just a loose cannon, writing without any focus and more of situational sentiment that suits him alone. Attention whore at best. Low Thia Kiang shouldn't need to entertain him.
ReplyDeleteToo bad for him exposing his immaturity and true character on internet. All the foundations were already there for him. If he had played his cards right, he could have been the next Putucheary and Foo Mee Har, new citizen joining the elites and collecting $15,000 a month.
ReplyDeleteTake away his citizenship for double speaking and kick his sorry ass back to tiong kok!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am bilingual. Have read both the chinese article and the english translated copy in ST.
ReplyDeleteIs clear to me Mr Li has misread LTK's stand on the new citizens definition; and I find his lack of understanding of local politics and nuances very glaring. By reading his piece, it's very telling to anyone why new citizens cannot strengthen the Singaporean core even for someone who has resided here continuously (big presumption here) for decade or more, let alone an instant citizen without going through NS.
Social integration takes time to cultivate and nurture. It's a lengthy but necessary process that you cannot rush, no matter how impatient one is. IT takes years of keen observation, active socializing and effort to co-mingle with locals before one's manner of speech, way of life, values are aligned.
There's a chinese saying 路遥知马力,日久见人心 is something he should bear in mind.
Re social integration takes years - Too true!! Sad that the govt scholars are so clueless on this. They expect integration to happen overnight, even as one is barely taking in the new surroundings. And this is not just in new faces, accents, habits, but the physical infrastructure too.
DeleteIf they were even vaguely aware of this, we wouldn't be bombarded with hundreds of thousands of strangers in a short time and then blamed for Their not assimilating.
Agree our scholars and social science study and research in this area is very abysmal. We should take a cue from ANZ in how they clearly define first or 2nd generation citizens which makes it very insightful for everyone. Instead they seem reluctant to share or divulge the figure, making the entire immigration exercise look as if they have an ulterior motive and something sinister to hide!
It is VERY irresponsible to lure new migrants here on some elusive pictures that all is rosy and easy to settle in. It's about managing their expectations and this govt has failed in so many ways in this complex but sensitive areas, thus resulting in so much social angst for everyone.
One word - Disappointing.
//He has deleted his Facebook account//
and they get their asses kissed
ReplyDeleteLooking at how this guy Li Yeming write and talk, I am convinced thst the horde of re net new Citizens cannot be part if the Singapore core.you include them at your own peril.They sleep with the CCP all the time.
ReplyDeleteActually your gist of the story is found in one line or two lines of the long sory. Try not to write too long-winded.
It can be stressful and tired in the reading if it is too long and too cluttered to read them.
It is best if the story can be described in a simple and in a long way but in a shorterned way to enable reading is easy to read, in a uncluttered way, and in a transparent way.
Also, please write with paragraph - a 2 liner paragraph is much easier to read and digest.
You may want to go to tan kin lian website and see how easy his paragraphing helps readers to read and digest them.
to Anonymous2/22/2013 2:04 AM,
DeletePlease try to understand Tattler's writing style before commenting on that. Although you have good intention, one ought to appreciate his style of writing, given that he has been using this style for since his very first post and majority do not have problem with these. Come on, it is not like he is writing a novel or textbook.
ReplyDeletehis loyalty lay with those who can enhanced his personal well-being and interests
it's quite similar to acting as an "interpreter" for the invader, he might had taken his cue from the biography too
Singaporeans must stand united!
ReplyDeleteIs there any prove that the senior inspector forumer is Li Ye Ming? I saw the vimeo video, and apparently, the year of birth for the senior inspector is 1979 but Li Ye Ming's age is 43 this year. I still havent seen a direct link that the 2 are the same people.
”高级督察“曾在2011年3月9日,在该论坛发了一贴,找人结伴在该年9/10月份一起回西安。帖中透露了与他的联系方式为 MSN(nathankwok79@hotmail.com)和YAHOO(ptu26316@yahoo.com.cn)。由此可见,”高级督察“的原名,极有可能为 Nathan Kwok。
ReplyDeleteDo not seem to be same person as job experiences look different.
ReplyDeleteBut if he choose to twist WP comment, I wish to ask him
Can China accept foreigner number ratio as we do since China is also experience grey as fast as us.
Can we excuse China govt practise xenophobia?