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The body language says it all: someone has to pay |
Lui's letter of resignation mentioned a promise of reappointment as a Cabinet Minister if he was re-elected. He knows too well about empty promises from horrible people. Like the promise to return one's life savings upon attaining age 55. And what about Lui's recent promise of a 1.9% decrease in public transport fares in December? Will that disappear too with his hasty departure?
Raymond Lim, Mah Bow Tan, Wong Kan Seng, all had at least 5 years of member of parliament allowances to tide over to the new income tax bracket. Poor Lui will just have to go cold turkey. Hope the wife won't have to work overseas as a dometic help. Fortunately Lui won't be clinking champagne glasses with businessmen who demand to drink only with millionaire ministers they can look up to.
Supporters of Lui will likely point out that the appointment of a (retrenched) DFS sales girl as CEO of SMRT was not his doing; ditto the bungling bunch of army general staff currently derailing the public transportation system. However, the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE) opening screw up was definitely all his undoing.
"You reminded me that the responsibility of Government was a collective one," wrote Lui, knowing full well the hollowness of those words, having witnessed at first hand others being thrown under the bus. Namely those once in charge of transport, housing and homeland security. Better to walk away with head held high, instead of leaving it at the chopping block. He did tell the press, his departure “has nothing to do with family or health reasons”.
Now we know why there is no hara-kiri --- collective responsibility ---- either all cut or no cut.
ReplyDeleteJust vote out the entire bunch of good-for-nothings.
DeleteCollective responsibility? Isn't that what Najib just said. We collect the donations collectively.
DeleteAnd what about Lui's recent promise of a 1.9% decrease in public transport fares in December?//
ReplyDeleteI thought he was clever to declare openly so that he left us the commuters with that wee bit of last relief, after such crab service despite spiraling fares. It would be Hara Kiri if they renege on that.
LTY chose to leave of his own free will and at a time of his own choosing. At least he didn't go on GE, get elected and then kena stepped down like his colleagues. He did the right thing and did it right. I'll give him some respect for that.
ReplyDeleteLTY will go down in Singapore history as the minister who dared to say no.
DeleteThere is nothing another General could do unless he is a 3 Star Gen. Desmond is expecting respect from Liu who unfortunately only has ONE lone star. Remembered our horror to see Liu apologise to the nation while the 3 Star just keep quiet about it?
DeleteWe need a serious reformer but not an apologist.
DeleteThe fault lies in the entire set up and model, which Lui probably knows his hands are tight. Your conscience can only go so far when you know you are paid millions to deliver the impossible. How long can you go on ? As he alluded, more breakdowns are expected and some way to go.
But we have stupid MPS who openly like to push the blame onto the public and accusing them for incessantly attacking him. Sigh...the elitism is clearly still I the DNA. You build and created your own rot and you can't fix it, and now you blame the peasants who are merely fed up with mediocrity and circulation. That audacity to abuse and blame us culture continues.
I get it, the poison chalice is still out there to be filled. Too bad, one of you has to step up to the plate now. And do us all a favor, if you think so highly of your MOT minister doing an awesome job, next time, speak out his behalf too when breakdowns happen. Don't just do it after the fact that he resigned. So much for throwing him under the buses.
There surely is more to this than meets the eye. Especially when the PM needs to publish those self-serving platitudes. Obviously the Minister was dissatisfied with his lot. The reasons could range from having to be the scapegoat for the failings brought on by the that retrenched DFS salesgirl, as you put it, to possibly having to contend with his military superior, Kuek (quack?) who obviously has the backing of the new dragon lady. The travelling just want the job done and not be concerned with this wayang.
ReplyDeleteYou are probably right. LTY is smart to cut the losses now than stay on.
DeleteLove him or loathe him, we have to give it to Lui for taking accountability and quit rather than continuing to milk taxpayers for another 5 yrs of sleeping in the Rubber Stamp like those out of the jackpot Minitoots. I don't recall another of them speaking in the current Rubber Stamp.
ReplyDeleteHis announcement to step down is just the first step (no pun intended). We'll have to adopt a wait and see what's next. A cushy job awaiting him at some GLC or what nought. Lui Tuck Yew, show us what sterner stuff you are made of. Show Singaporeans that you are boleh. Don't disappoint us. You have already disappointed us long enough. The ball is in your court now.
ReplyDeleteThat's a given. Having shown us he has some backbone, should go all the way to reject any cushy jobs from the govt.
DeleteWe should give him some slack as Tranport minister . After all the PM has said whatever policies meted out are COLLECTIVE decisions, but too bad he is the face to represent the G on transportation.
Every tunnel that is dug will post addtional nightmare for him to continue his tenure as a Transport minister. He probably knew something is happening for the next 5 years - 10 mil population target is well on the card and crafted on LHL's breastplate already.
ReplyDeleteA scholar & a gentleman.
ReplyDeleteHe did the right thing.
And his children will not suffer either.
They never did take public transport and never will.
This is what they mean whenever they mention about " the future generations".
That the elites will never ever have to take public transport..heaven forbid!
What his true character is remains to be seen. Will he remain a lackey to the PAP by accepting a high paying post in one of the GLCs? Or will he cut all ties by seeking his fortune elsewhere like what George Yeo did?
ReplyDeleteNever forget Crocodile Tears Lim Boon Heng.
DeleteWhere is he now after crying tears of protest over the casinos?
In this age and era, what is wrong with watching porn and who in their open mind doesn't watch porn ? Maybe he should start watching some porn to keep his mind open ?
ReplyDeleteThe moral of the story is one doesn't need to publicly deny ever watching porn in order to be a morally right person. It just simply show if he doesn't even have the EQ to handle a simple admission of ever watching porn, how on earth does one tasked him to handle more difficult issues ?
So who will be next Minister for Transport? Perhaps another general or admiral, with more stars?
ReplyDeleteIf so, then they must be challenging Einstein: "Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Definately need to have 3 Star as the minimum. Otherwise, Desmond will ignore his instructions and continue to ask him to apologise whenever a train breaks down.
Deleteok, so either that recently hurriedly retired LG (who was probably only a major when Desmond was first made BG - and I cannot see why scholar Desmond would listen to a farmer pilot who probably cannot tell an electrical conductor from an insulator).
DeleteOr one of the old timers like... Winston Choo? That will scare the crap out of Desmond, who was only recruit when Winston was the top "dog"?
What is this 3 stars vs 1 star bullshit people are yakking about. We are not operating in the military world here. It is a civilian and secular environment, so what if quek has a higher ranking in thenmilitary than Lui? If as a MOT his job is to kick the smrt ceo asses, then he kick well him to deliver and perform. Regardless of stupid titles and ranking in the NS. Otherwise, all theses rank pulling and constant cronyism boils down to who has a power backer ( one backed by ho Ching) or one backed by higher rank?!! so how to get the real job done? If this is not real corrosion, then I don't know what is. The electoral are far better to remove and dismantle this corrupted and untenable situation.
DeleteAbandon ship by all means.
ReplyDeleteBut hor
please do not abandon it
like the Captain of the South
Korean Ferry SEWOL.
In some ways, Lui Tuck Yew
has ran away without making
any improvements to the Transport
System but approved Fare Hikes considered uncondonable and also
Subsidies to Transport Operator considered unnecessary.
Another reason for his resignation could be his fear of losing in the Coming General Election, that is he chicken out.
So why is he disappointed" that his GRC was erased if he had thought of leaving already?
ReplyDeletePerhaps he had indicated to PM LHL that he prefer to have another portfolio? Lee knows he is a high liability given all that undoing in little India riots, transport issues and MCE etc. the high risk of letting running in his GRCs or Other GRCs might have caused genuine "concerns and whispers" of being the weakest link and pulling everyone down with him. So LHL is stucked. Lui perhaps get his hints and step down lah. We will never know.
Question is, does LHL really think he can simply "wipe out" his mistakes and liabilities by retiring these unperforming MP? Why should people give the PAP new team a chance to learn on job as opposed to opposition new team ?
His district is gone. Kaput. Disappeared. Erased. Kosong.
ReplyDeleteAt least this captain is down with the ship.
Can't say the same for the others.
Funny isn't it ? The Clown Prince eliminated his constituency before announcing his resignation. So what is he expected to do ? Was he left with any choice ?
ReplyDeleteIn other country, the MOT minister steps down, someone else will step in to fill the role. But over here, there is no one else?!!
ReplyDeleteSo the entire panel of 80 MPs and no one else is up for the task? Only one person?
Goes to show. The survival of singapore is NEVER about PAPs renewal only. For singapore to survive, the renewal and healthy functioning of 2-3 other opposition parties is crucial to ensure continuity and checks.
Lee could have another health attack. The cabinet might have a plane crash? A infectious epidemic might wipe out half the cabinet etc etc...so what are we going to be left with? It behooves Singaporeans to start building their Team 2 and team 3 now.
Recruitment strategy by father son and the holy goh
I guarantee you hall of fame, respect, adoration and legacy.
You are protected from Peasants complains, and few opposition contestation. Only media praises.
I guarantee you million dollars compensation, High electoral wins and respect. Upon retirement, cushy jobs in GLC roles and overall Swiss living. Only media fawning.
I guarantee you millions, no Hara Kiri or bowing for failures, no accountability to peasants and no minister for transport job. Upon losing, overseas or local GIC /GLC jobs. Dedicated media newsletter.
Deleteis the Mother of All
Problems in Sin.
The PAP got to be
removed from power
at all costs.
The biggest failings of LTA is the lack of responsibility, permanent employment in LTA is to be a paper pusher, technical people are forced or force by circumstances to jump ship as and when opportunities came knocking. End of the day paper pusher will push problem here and there, dig a hole here and there to hide it, and then when shits comes knocking, they will just say they inherited the shit, cry father and mother till ganna pity, and then jalan jalan till another group of technical people jump ship and let the cycle continues.
ReplyDeleteFrom the photo, it looks like our medal dripping, ex generals and admirals can't stand the heat.
ReplyDeleteWill Khaw Boon Wan volunteer to take over if LHL refuse to take charge of Transport? Or perhaps Calvin Cheng will jump at the opportunity to collect million$$$?
ReplyDeleteAll these talks about stepping down is pure wayang lah!
ReplyDeleteThe Transport Minister has become a liability and has to go. Removing his constituency is a broad hint that the Rear Admiral has outlived his usefulness. To his credit the Lui guy is smart enough to play along and will be handsomely rewarded in other way.
@ Anonymous 8/12/2015 9:00 PM
ReplyDelete" Lee could have another health attack. The cabinet might have a plane crash? A infectious epidemic might wipe out half the cabinet etc etc...so what are we going to be left with? It behooves Singaporeans to start building their Team 2 and team 3 now. "
You left out the most obvious scenario.
PAP has become stupid & incompetent and is no longer capable of serving and protecting Singaporeans.
PAP is at best Team #2 or #3.
We need to build a new Team #1.
As a Singaporean, I prefer to rebuild Team #1 and #2 around WP, SDP and SingFirst.
PAP will likely need about 10-15 years to find a new reason for existence beyond LKY's Hard Truths.
Honestly, I like the man, he tried very hard, without the support of his leader and his yes boys. He inherited a shit hole, created the best friend of the leader's wife. Did the leader open his mouth to condemn the stupid sales girls actions, no.
ReplyDeleteLui's parting words: "In politics, you need a tender heart and a thick skin, not a hard heart and thin skin."
ReplyDeleteIs that a veiled criticism against his colleagues and bosses? Strike that - it is not veiled - it is quite explicit. How much do you need? You want to eat in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant? You want to use that $50 for your hairdo or for mammogram? And that horrible Amos.